Kavango Zambezi Transfontier Conservation Area Kavango Zambezi Transfontier Conservation Area

Kavango zambezi transfontier conservation area

When to be there:
•    KAZA is far too immense & diverse to explore on one trip or at any one time
•    The whole area experiences summer rain; rainfall varies significantly across the region
•    The dry, cool months afford the most comfortable travel
•    Some areas are not accessible during the rainy season (Nov.-Apr.)

What to Do:
•    Choose one country or area & explore it with time
•    Visit both state & community conservation areas, each offers unique experiences
•    Focus on cultural attractions, people & their livelihoods, as well as wildlife
•    Come again for more!

What to remember:
•    KAZA is about a balance between people & wildlife, rather than just pristine nature
•    Tourism & road infrastructure is variable; ensure you’re equipped for the chosen region
•    Park rules vary; make sure you have all the information for the areas you want to visit
•    All of KAZA is in a malaria area; ensure the necessary precautions

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Fulvous Duck

Fulvous ducks are found at inland water bodies.

Angola Free-Tailed Bat

The Angola free-tailed bat roost in crevices, caves, attics and expansion joints in bridges.

Variegated Butterfly Bat

Butterfly bats are associated with open plant vegetation, semi-arid regions and riverine forests.

Damara woolly bat

The Damara woolly bat is recognized by it's soft, woolly fur that grows away from the body as the paler tips curl up and give it a 'grizzly appearance'.

Darling's horseshoe bat

Darling's horseshoe bat are competent and active hunters due to their broader wings and superior echolocation abilities.

Hairy slit-faced bat

The hairy slit-faced bat is a fragile creature and is characterized by 3-lobed upper incisors.

Lesser woolly bat

The lesser woolly bat is a smaller version of the Damara woolly bat.

Mauritian tomb bat

Mauritian tomb bats can be identified by their elongated face with a pointed muzzle and short, broad ears.

Midas free-tailed bat

Midas free-tailed bats are a gregarious species, occurring in colonies ranging from a few dozen to several hundred.

Pale free-tailed bat

A distinguishing feature of the pale free-tailed bat is the pale colouration of the fur.

Rendall's serotine bat

Serotine bats roost in small groups in any nook or cranny of buildings, rocks and trees.

Rüppells bat

As populations of Rüppells bat are small in southern Africa, they are not often seen and considered rare.

Rusty bat

This small bat is known to emerge at dusk.

Schlieffen's bat

Schlieffen's bat is one of the smallest bats in southern Africa.

Schreibers's long-fingered bat

The most remarkable aspect of the Schreibers's long-fingered bat is the colossal colonies that are found in deep, dark, moist caves.

Yellow house bat

Yellow house bats have bulldog type facial features and are slightly larger than the lesser yellow house bat.

Peter's epauletted fruit bat

Peter's epauletted bat are mostly found where indigenous fruit-bearing trees grow in particular fig-trees.

Spur-Winged Goose

Spur-winged goose can be found with comb ducks and at times shelducks.

Comb Duck

Comb ducks prefer marsh and temporary pans in woodland, woodland-fringed lagoon of flood plains.

African Pygmy-Goose

The African Pygmy goose prefer a well-vegetated freshwater wetlands habitat.

Northern Shoveller

Northern shovellers arrive in Namibia from late October and depart again around February and March.

Red-Billed Teal

Red-billed teals inhabit most inland wetlands whether man-made or natural usually in pairs or small groups.

Hottentot Teal

Hottentot teals are found in a permanent and semi-permanent shallow and freshwater wetlands.

African Black Swift

African black swifts inhabit mainly mountainous country when breeding.

Sharptooth Catfish

The sharptooth catfish is unique in that it can live in almost any habitat, but it prefers floodplains, large slow moving rivers, lakes and dams.


It is the second tallest antelope on the African continent.


Lions love to wander, hunt, sleep, patrol and play. 

Livingstone first described ‘the smoke that thunders’ to the western world after discovering the now world-famous falls in 1855. Since then, Livingstone, the Zambezi and the Okavango have provided unabated inspiration for countless explorers and travellers. As have innumerable other magical places within the river basins. Makgadikgadi, Chobe, Matusadona, Hwange, Kafue, Kwando, Khaudum… all have become emblems of African wilderness and wildlife. To know that they, and the lands between them, are being linked by a common conservation vision spawns hope for a new balance between development and conservation.

After discussing various name options, country representatives agreed on using a combination of the two major river basins of the area, the Okavango and Zambezi, as the name for the transfrontier park. The Okavango is also referred to as the Kavango; this version gives the overall name a better ring and the neat acronym of KAZA, using the first two letters of each river name

Modern conservation is about protecting indigenous biodiversity by achieving a land-use balance, by removing physical barriers and political borders to ensure healthy ecosystems, rather than guarding isolated patches of protection. KAZA is a manifestation of this ideal. It’s a true megapark, promoting conservation without borders across countries, parks and communal lands. In Namibia, the KAZA landscape embraces about 71,500 square kilometres with 22 communal conservancies and five national parks.

A central objective of KAZA is to enable natural wildlife movements. The area is home to almost half of Africa’s elephants. For these great grey herds, movement is vital. Namibia’s Zambezi Region, with its unfenced parks, lies at the very core of elephant dispersal in KAZA. The ability to roam is also crucial for the lion and African wild dog populations of Zambezi, as well as for buffalo, Burchell’s zebra and other herbivores.


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