6 Jun 2023
The new drinking trough at the Garub 1 borehole has been completed and the Garub 2 borehole has been cleaned. This means that the water supply for the Wild Horses of the Namib close to the historic railway station Garub near Aus in southwestern Namibia is secured again for the time being. However, the Garub 2 borehole will have to be replaced in the future...
The construction of the new drinking trough at the Garub 1 borehole was completed at the beginning of April. A small group of wild horses is already visiting it regularly. It actually serves as a reserve in case there are problems at Garub 2.
And unfortunately there are - due to its age. After decades, the casing of the borehole is breaking, allowing soil and stones to penetrate. This was discovered during an inspection in mid-May. A time-consuming undertaking, because the pump has to be taken out for this.
The opportunity was used to clean the lower part of the borehole where the water collects. Also time-consuming. Now the water flow is back to normal, but in the long run a new borehole has to be drilled (see post on the Namibia Wild Horses Foundation Facebook page).
Big thanks go to the Pupkewitz Foundation, which provided the necessary money. Also involved, of course, were the Ministry of Environment, the Desert Horse Inn Lodge and the Namibia Wild Horses Foundation (NWHF) []. The Wild Horses are one of Namibia's great attractions. They can be seen at the lookout point near Garub, about 20 km from Aus.
Sven-Eric Stender
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