Largest Transboundary Park Branded 'rivers Of Life'

7 Jun 2024

The Kavango Zambezi (KAZA) Conservation Area is now operating under the catchy and visual brand name 'Rivers of Life'. The heads of state of the five partner countries presented the label at their summit meeting in Livingstone, Zambia, at the Victoria Falls. The five countries involved are Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Government representatives of the five KAZA partner countries Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Photo: KAZA


According to the press release, the brand epitomises the enormous diversity of the region. This includes the rich wildlife, the many cultures and the life-giving rivers that connect everything.

The name 'Rivers of Life' is intended to help turn the KAZA Park into a tourist magnet. The five partner states and the KAZA Secretariat would ensure that access to the area is made easier. The aim is to design routes, promote cross-border travel and provide information. At the same time, they are paying attention to sustainability and making a conscious contribution to the fight against climate change.

Elephant as a driving force

No brand without a logo. As the elephant is strongly represented in the KAZA region and is considered a key species in Africa's wildlife, it forms the core element of the logo. The brushstrokes in yellow, blue, green and red symbolise the cultures, rivers, lush green landscapes and the African sun.


Elephant as the driving force behind the 'Rivers of Life' brand of the KAZA nature reserve.  Logo: KAZA 


With an area of around 520,000 square kilometres, the KAZA Park [] is the world's largest transboundary nature reserve on land. From Namibia, it includes parks in the Kavango East and Zambezi regions.

Established and expanded step by step since 2011, KAZA serves several objectives: Conservation of biodiversity, sustainable development and regional integration. Notable partners include the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the German Federal Ministry for Development and Cooperation (BMZ), KfW Development Bank, the Swiss Confederation, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Peace Park Foundation.

Kavango Zambezi (KAZA) Transfrontier Conservation Area: More than 500,000 square kilometres on the territory of five neighbouring countries. 


Sven-Eric Stender

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