10 Dec 2019
Dirk Heinrich
The Bateleur Eagle is one of the most colourful raptors in Namibia. Unfortunately, its numbers have dropped sharply – not only in Namibia but in the whole of Africa. In southern Africa the Bateleur is classified as endangered, in Namibia as highly endangered.
The Bateleur Eagle has an impressive wingspan of 1.8 m and the most wing feathers (25) of any bird of prey. An adult birds is approximately 60 cm tall and weighe around 2.25 kg. The tail is very short. In flight the feet protrude slightly beyond the tail feathers, which is unusual for raptors.
The Bateleur owes its French name to their amusing behaviour on the ground as well as in the air.
Bateleur Eagles are found in and around Etosha National Park, and especially in the north-eastern parts of the country.
For more information on the Bateleur Eagle please have a look on Namibia Outdoor.
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