Camphor Bush

Camphor Bush (Tarchonanthus camphoratus) is a thick, bushy shrub or sometimes a small tree that can grow in a wide variety of habitats, but mainly arid semi-desert throughout Namibia less for the Namib Desert and Zambezi Region (formerly the Caprivi Strip). It grows in Etosha National Park, Windhoek, Epupa Falls, along the Kunene River region, and southern Namibia areas such as the Fish River Canyon and Kalahari Desert.

The foliage is grey-green in colour which emits an aromatic camphor-like aroma (hence the common name). Small sprays of creamy flowers lie underneath tiny fruits that are covered in cotton wool looking sprays, making for a very decorative display. Stock and game browse the foliage and the hard, heavy grey-brown wood is used for musical instruments, boat building, making cabinets and walking sticks. Beware of the splinters; they are poisonous and can cause septic sores. As this wood is termite resistant it is ideal for making poles and fence posts. A variety of minor ailments can be treated from this plant including asthma, headaches, abdominal pain and bronchitis. The San and Khoi people smoked the leaves instead of tobacco.

Flowering time is from April to June and many species of butterflies and insects are attracted to the flowers and leaves. It requires lots of sunshine and moderate amounts of water as well as being frost resistant.

Plants of Namibia Wildlife of Namibia

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