Marsh Owl

Introduction: Marsh owls (Asio capensis) can be observed singly or in pairs in a tall grass, reeds, weeds and marsh type habitat, although they frequently visit fairly dry regions. Communal roost of up to 75 birds occur in the wet season after the main breeding season.

Distribution: Etosha and other scattered populations around north and central Namibia including the Caprivi and Namib Desert location in the Skeleton Coast.

Diet: Hunts by day for mainly grasshoppers, crickets, beetles and termites. As it has really strong feet it can take small vertibrates such rodents, lizards, bats, frogs, snakes and birds.

Description: This species are medium-sized owls with 'close-set' ear tufts above the eyes. Their wings are long and narrow and the tail is long. Asio is the Greek word for 'an owl'.

Breeding: Between 2 and 6 eggs are laid in old stick nests of raptors or in a hollow on the ground. Incubation periods are around 28 days.

Size: 35cm.

Weight: 315g.

Birds of Namibia Wildlife of Namibia

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