Introduction: The lesser honeyguide (Indicator minor) is a solitary bird that inhabits woodland and savannah, riverine forest, forest fringes, parks and gardens and plantations. A series of deliberate notes are delivered from traditional song posts with the male being vocal in the morning and early afternoon. The same song posts may be used for years. Lesser honeyguides attack small birds that perch nearby. Bird baths are a favoured watering hole.
Distribution: Central and northern Namibia including Etosha National Park, Caprivi, central highlands. Absent from Namib Desert.
Diet: Insects are eaten from the leaves and branches, as well as crevices in bark and holes in trees. Mayflies, ants, caterpillars and spiders.
Description: A smaller version of the greater honeyguide although different markings and identification. Plumage is green, brown and grey with long pointed wings. Their skin is characterisable tough, perhaps resistant to bee stings.
Breeding: Eggs are laid at 2 day intervals, from 2 to 7. Incubation periods are 12 days. Juveniles leave the nest after 37 to 38 days and do not return.
Size: 15cm.
Weight: 28g.
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