Green-Backed Honeybird

Introduction: The green-backed honeybird (Prodotiscus zambesiae) is a quiet bird that mixes with foraging flocks in winter such as the fork-tailed Drongo.  they inhabit woodland, characteristic with Zambezi teak and mopane trees.

Distribution: Zambezi Region (formerly the Caprivi Strip).

Diet: Prey is taken from twigs. They rarely move around branches and leaves to feed, but settle on a branch to feed on insects, beetles and bugs, termites and caterpillars.

Description: Very small resident birds that move locally and wander in winter. Multi-coloured with grey or slate to black legs and feet and grey to black bills.

Breeding: 1 or 2 eggs are laid in host nest often destroying eggs that are a different colour. Incubation period is 13 days. Newly hatched young are blind, naked and have orange skin. After day 12 their eyes open and the nestling period is 22 days.

Size: 12cm.

Weight: 12g.

Birds of Namibia Wildlife of Namibia

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