Bearded Woodpecker

Introduction: Bearded woodpeckers (Dendropicos namaquus) are common in open deciduous woodland and savannah habitats such as mopane trees. They avoid timber plantations and evergreen forests. Pairs remain together all year round but are distant foragers often amongst other woodpeckers. Will roost in a solitary hole at night and will move behind a branch at the first sign of danger.

Distribution: Central and northern regions of the country, found in and around Windhoek, Swakopmund and Cape Cross, as well as the Möwe Bay area on the Skeleton Coast.

Diet: Insects, spiders and occasionally lizards.

Description: Largest of the tree woodpeckers in southern African with distinctive black forehead and forecrown.

Breeding: Females produce a single brood per year consisting of 1 to 3 eggs laid in a hole in the trunk or dead stem of a large tree. Eggs are produced between April and December with an incubation period of 13 days with male and female operating a shift system every 20 to 70min.

Size: 23 to 25cm.

Weight: 87g.

Birds of Namibia Wildlife of Namibia

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