
Introduction: Grey-go-away-birds (Corythaixoides concolor) or grey-louries inhabit dry savannah especially with Acacia trees and in dry riverine woodland. Also found in numbers in suburban gardens. Prey of many eagles such as African goshawk and Perigrine Falcon as well as genet. Locally nomadic in response to fruit availability. Found in groups of 3 to 20, although singly and in pairs as well. A feature of this bird is to climb and jump around in trees whilst showing off the crest by raising and lowering it.

Distribution: Common throughout Namibia especially the central and northern regions of the country including Etosha National Park, Epupa Falls, Rundu, coastal northern Namib Desert, Kalahari Desert, Caprivi, Okavango Delta and Moremi Game Reserve.

Diet: Forages in tree canopy. Plucks fruit near ends of branches before going to ground to eat. Eats fruits, flowers and buds such as mistletoe, wild figs, buffalo-thorn, guavas, mulberries and peaches.

Description: Concolor is the Latin word for uniformly coloured, which is overall smokey-grey. They have distinctive, slit-shaped nostrils, crests on the forehead and crowns. Their main characteristic is a loud, harsh call which sound like a nasal go-away, hence the popular name. Corythaixoides is Latin for like Tauraco corythaix, the Knysna Turaco.

Breeding: Solitary nesters built of twigs in thorny trees. Between 1 and 4 eggs are laid every second day with an incubation period of around 28 days. Juveniles are fed by regurgitation by both adults who also carry water to the chick. Young leave the nest after 21 days before they are able to fly, self-feeding from the 33 day period.

Size: 50cm.

Weight: 270g.

Birds of Namibia Wildlife of Namibia

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