Introduction: Red-knobbed coots (Fulica cristata) can be found in a variety of habitats associated with water such as small to large freshwater ponds, lakes, dams, flood plains, swamps with reeds and sometimes on rivers. Flocks of 1,000 or more are not uncommon in the breeding season.
Distribution: Throughout Namibia's more wetter regions including coastal Skeleton Coast, Swakopmund and Walvis Bay, Luderitz, Etosha National Park and the Caprivi.
Diet: Searches for food by standing in shallow water or by selected items from the surface of the water when swimming. They eat mainly plant material such as stems, flowers, fruits and leaves.
Description: Black plumage with strong legs and lobed toes for swimming. Fulica is Latin for 'a coot' taken from the bird's colour; soot. Cristata refers to the 2 red knobs on the top of the shield.
Breeding: Usually 2 to 6 eggs are laid on floating mound made from grasses, leaves and stems of bulrushes.
Size: 40cm.
Weight: 825g.
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