Introduction: Coqui francolin (Peliperdix coqui) inhabit areas of dense, tall grasslands in savannah and grassy woodland or in drier regions on bushy sand dunes. They are the most widespread of African francolins, usually found in pairs or small groups of 6 to 8. Bateleurs, eagles, black sparrowhawk, Peregrine and Lanner falcons feature greatly as predators. These francolin tend to remaining in the same area all year round and if disturbed will fly fast between the cover of trees. They move slowly across open space.
Distribution: North-eastern Namibia, Caprivi, Mudumu National Park, Rundu and Grootfontein.
Diet: Beetles, grasshoppers, winged ants, caterpillars, moths, spiders, slugs, earthworms and small frogs. Drinks moisture and rain drops from blades of grass and are not dependent on standing water.
Description: The smallest southern African francolin have quail-like back feathers and red tails. They resemble the larger Shelley's francolin. Characteristic piercing, repetitive calls are territorial in nature, with the calling bird seeking raised vantage points such as large rocks, tree stumps and termite mounds to perform.
Breeding: Nests are shallow hollows concealed in grass and leaf cover. Between 4 and 6 eggs are laid.
Size: 20 to 28cm.
Weight: 260g.
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