Ovambo Sparrowhawk

Introduction: Tall riverine woodlands are the favoured habitats of the Ovambo sparrowhawk (Accipiter ovampensis). Roosting is in nests at night and distinctive behavioural actions include double-wing stretching, leg and jaw stretches, preening and body-shaking.

Distribution: Widespread but patchy distribution in central and northern regions of the country including Etosha National Park, Epupa Falls, Caprivi.

Diet: Often perches over waterhole waiting for prey. Eats exclusively birds such as doves, weavers, flycatchers, woodpeckers, swallows, drongos, swifts and pipits.

Description: Grey rump, head and upper parts. Often confused with the smaller shikra.

Breeding: Both sexes build an untidy stick nest. Between 1 and 5 eggs are laid between September and November and incubated for over 30 days.

Size: 40cm.

Weight: 250g.

Wingspan: 70cm.

Birds of Namibia Wildlife of Namibia

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