Introduction: The European honey-buzzard (Pernis apivorus) is a bee-eater which will inhabit woodlands, gardens, plantations and forests, all locations associated with well-developed tree cover. They are solitary and secretive birds who are known to observe the foraging flights of wasps and bees from either perch or when they are in flight.
Distribution: Scattered populations in the north eastern regions of Namibia including the Caprivi Strip.
Diet: Digs up nests of ground-nesting wasps. Also eats bees, spiders, worms, termites, berries, oil palm fruits and occasionally chickens.
Description: Medium-sized raptor with a variable plumage colouration.
Breeding: Extralimital. Breeds from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean.
Size: 60cm.
Weight: 750g.
Wingspan: 130cm.
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