Black Harrier

Introduction: Black harriers (Circus maurus) can be found in a dry grassland habitat, perching by day on an anthill, fence post or near their nest. Black harriers are an endangered species in Namibia.

Distribution: Hoanib River floodplain and Uniab River Delta. Also scattered populations around southern and central Namibia including the Kalahari Desert.

Diet: Preys on mice and birds, reptiles, frog, insects and carrion.

Description: Maurus is Greek for 'Moorish' or black, the predominate colour of their upper parts, upper wing coverts and under wings. The undertail is barred black and white.

Breeding: Small nest built of grass, twigs and stems to house between 1 and 5 eggs, incubated fro around 34 days.

Size: 50cm.

Weight: 550g.

Birds of Namibia Wildlife of Namibia

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