Introduction: African marsh-harriers (Circus ranivorus) are frog-eaters that inhabit only inland and coastal wetlands. They are usually solitary birds known to soar over breeding grounds at a great height, especially around mid-day. Circus is the Greek phrase from 'kirkos', a hawk that circles; a reference to their acrobatic displays.
Distribution: Patchy northern Namibia occurrence including Etosha National Park and the Caprivi.
Diet: Small mammals such as the striped mouse, vlei rat, ducks, frogs and fish. Eats heron and egret eggs and chicks and are known weaver nest raiders.
Description: Medium-sized raptor with long tail and wings, small bill and long legs.
Breeding: A grass and reed stem nest is built on a supporting twig affair where the female lays between 2 and 5 eggs and incubated for around 32 days.
Size: 48cm.
Weight: 430g.
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