African Goshawk

Introduction: There would be many more African goshawks (Accipiter tachiro) in Namibia if they didn't kill themselves by flying into windows when chasing prey or in collisions with vehicles. Habitats include forests with tall, dense trees and riverine forests. Roosting sites are changed frequently and they behave aggressively towards other birds as large as the secretarybird.

Distribution: This species is rare in Namibia found only around Rundu and the Caprivi

Diet: Hunts birds attracted to aviaries and bats, especially free-tailed and little free-tailed bats as they emerge from roosts. Also eats squirrels, mice, tree agamas and the grass snake. Occasionally takes toads, earthworms, moths, crabs and grasshoppers.

Description: Often confused with the smaller little sparrowhawk.

Breeding: Between 1 and 3 eggs are laid a platform of dry sticks between July and December and incubated for 36 days.

Size: 45cm.

Weight: 350g.

Wingspan: 70cm.

Birds of Namibia Wildlife of Namibia

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