White-Tailed Tropicbird

Introduction: White-tailed tropicbirds (Phaethon lepturus) inhabit tropical and subtropical oceans associated with a lower salinity level in the waters. They are often observed singly or in pairs, flying strongly well above the sea.

Distribution: Sightings restricted to Luderitz and Cape Fria.

Diet: Plunge dives from up to 20m to feed on fish and squid in the day.

Description: Mostly white plumage and upper wings. Yellow or golden-orange bill, dark brown eyes and black feet and legs. Lepturus is Greek for 'slender-tailed'.

Breeding: Breeds on islands and holes and crevices. Females lay only 1 egg.

Size: 90cm including 45cm tail streamers.

Weight: 300g.

Wingspan: 95cm.

Birds of Namibia Wildlife of Namibia

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