Introduction: White storks (Ciconia ciconia) prefer open woodland, grassland, wetland and cultivated habits. Grouping near water around midday is common as is roosting in trees or at shallow wetlands. A feature of white storks is to defecate on their legs in hot weather to cool down.
Distribution: Fish River Canyon and Orange River, Swakopmund and Walvis Bay, Etosha National Park, Caprivi, Kaudom Game Park, northern Namib Desert.
Diet: Walks slowly and steadily searching for prey such as locusts, mice, small reptiles such as snakes and lizards, fish, frogs, large insects and molluscs.
Description: Head and upper parts and tail white. Underparts entirely white, underwing coverts white, undersides of flight feathers black. Ciconia is Latin for 'the stork'.
Breeding: Between 1 and 6 eggs are laid between September and November and incubated for about 30 days.
Size: 120cm.
Weight: 3.5kg.
Wingspan: 1.6m.
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