Pink-Backed Pelican

Introduction: Although found in only a few areas of Namibia, the pink-backed pelican (Pelecanus rufescens) frequents a wide range of wetlands which include dams, lakes, slow-moving rivers, lagoons, estuaries and sheltered bays.

Distribution: Caprivi, Hardap Dam, Swakopmund and Walvis Bay.

Diet: Forages in shallow water, close to shore, swimming slowly to catch prey underwater for cichlid fishes such as small tilapia. Also eats fruits and figs.

Description: Tall dark grey feathers with brown shafts. Back and rump pale grey. Underparts whitish or very pale grey. Greyish pink legs and feet. Often confused with the much larger great white pelican which has a longer bill and neck, cleaner white plumage and contrasting black flight feathers.

Breeding: Usually 2 or 3 eggs are laid between June and August, incubated by both sexes for up to 35 days. The male collects all the material for the nest, such as sticks, and the female stays on site to build it.

Size: 130cm.

Weight: 6kg.

Wingspan: 2.5m.

Birds of Namibia Wildlife of Namibia

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