Glossy Ibis

Introduction: Glossy ibises (Plegadis falcinellus) are known to inhabit shallow, freshwater inland lakes and floodplains, shallow rivers, lush marshes, seasonal pans, dams, sewage works, estuaries and flooded grasses. Flocks fly in 'V' formations to conserve energy.

Distribution: Resident on Kavango River and eastern Caprivi wetlands, Etosha Pan and pans associated with Bushmanland.

Diet: Walks slowly through shallow water or moist ground, pecking and probing for aquatic beetles, grasshoppers and crickets, dragonflies, boatmen, spiders, crustaceans, worms, frogs, lizards, small mammals and small fish. Follows crocs and hippos to feed on disturbed prey.

Description: Small, slender ibis with feathered head and a dark, glossy plumage. Long, thin, evenly decurved, olive-brown bill. Plegadis is Greek for 'a sickle'. Falcinellus is Latin for 'small and curved', both possibly a reference to the bill.

Breeding: Females lay between 2 and 4 eggs between March and April Both male and female operate a 12hr rotating incubating shift system over a period of around 22 days.

Size: 60cm.

Weight: 650g.

Wingspan: 95cm.

Birds of Namibia Wildlife of Namibia

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