Black-Browed Albatross

Introduction: Black-browed albatrosses (Thalassarche melanophrys) are most abundant at the shelf-break and in lower levels on oceanic waters. Generally they remain between 10 and 20m from the sea surface, but soar and glide with consummate ease in strong winds. In calmer conditions they sit on the water.

Distribution: From the mouth of the Orange River to Luderitz, Sandwich Harbour to Walvis Bay and Swakopmund.

Diet: Large flocks of black-browed albatrosses will congregate at fishing vessels waiting for offal or kitchen wastes. Seizes other prey such as pelagic crustaceans and squid.

Description: White head with noticeable blackish eyebrow ridges. Back and tail dark grey, remainder of the upper body white.

Breeding: Extralimital.

Size: 90cm.

Weight: 3kg.

Wingspan: 2.5m.

Birds of Namibia Wildlife of Namibia

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