Charadiiformes Charadiiformes


Double-Banded Sandgrouse

Double-banded sandgrouse prefer mopane woodland as well as inhabiting Acacia and other woodland savannah.

Burchell's Sandgrouse

Burchell's sandgrouse is named after the naturalist William Burchell

Great Snipe

Great snipes inhabit both short grass away from water as well as lake fringes and flooded marshes.

African Snipe

African snipes inhabit vleis, marshes and wet grasslands and the flood plains of the Okavango Delta.

Black-Tailed Godwit

Habitats preferred by black-tailed godwits include salt pans, marshes, swamps, small lakes and coastal wetlands.

Bar-Tailed Godwit

Bar-tailed godwits originate from Lapland and mainly congregate on the west coast of Namibia.

Common Whimbrel

Common whimbrels are migrant birds to Namibia.

Eurasian Curlew

Eurasian curlews (Numenius arquata) gather on coastal wetlands, roosting on salt-marshes, sand dunes and rocks.

Common Redshank

Common redshanks are palearctic breeders but can be found in Namibia year round.

Common Greenshank

Common greenshanks potter around borders of dams and ponds, short grassland, natural pans, beaches, estuaries and lagoons.

Green Sandpiper

Green sandpipers pick and prey around small streams, woodland pools and vleis and ditches, remaining mostly absent from coastal and tidal patterns.

Common Sandpiper

Common sandpipers are mainly coastal dwellers.

Curlew Sandpiper

Coastal lagoons, shorelines, estuaries and bays, as well as inland wetlands are typical habitats of the curlew sandpiper.

Broad-Billed Sandpiper

The Latin word Limicola means 'to inhabit mud', a clear indicator that the broad-billed sandpiper.

Greater Painted-Snipe

Greater painted-snipes inhabit pans, marshy river flood plains and dams.

African Jacana

African jacanas inhabit freshwater wetlands of slow-flowing rivers with low, growing vegetation.

Water Thick-Knee

Water thick-knees inhabit freshwater rivers, lakes and dams as well as some swamps, estuaries and beaches.

Eurasian Oystercatcher

Eurasian oystercatchers inhabit coastal areas, estuaries and lagoons.

African Oystercatcher

African black oystercatcher were first named after the French collector and ornithologies Horace Moquin-Tandon.

Black-Winged Stilt

Black-winged stilts are widespread and common in Namibia.

American Golden Plover

The American golden plover inhabits coastal wetlands with dry vegetation as well as sandy beaches.

Grey Plover

Grey plovers mainly inhabit muddy tidal zones in estuaries as well as rocky or sandy coasts.

Common Ringed Plover

Common ringed plovers can be found mainly along the coast.

Three-Banded Plover

Three-banded plovers can be observed in many habitats ranging from any freshwater location.

Chestnut-Banded Plover

This species are usually found singly or in pairs, roosting in groups of up to 1,000.

Greater Sand Plover

Greater sand plovers were named after Jean Baptiste Leschenault de la Tour.

Caspian Plover

Unlike many other species of this family, Caspian plovers (Charadrius asiaticus) prefer dry-land habitats usually far from water

Blacksmith Lapwing

Blacksmith lapwings can be found in a wide range of habitats that sport moist, short grassland and mudflats.

African Wattled Lapwing

African wattled lapwings inhabit waterlogged grasslands.

Crowned Lapwing

Crowned lapwings venture into mainly dry, open grassland.

Double Banded Courser

Double-banded coursers stand in shade of shrub in the heat of the day in open plains with short grasses, or around the ground between grass tufts around pans.

Bronze-Winged Courser

Bronze-winged coursers frequent mainly mopane woodland, suburban and Damaraland dense bush.

Burchell's Courser

Burchell's courser inhabit open, vegetated areas in pairs or family groups occasionally in mixed flocks with Temminck's coursers.

Collared Pratincole

Collared pratincoles inhabit meadows, sandbanks, grassy floodplains, ploughed fields, mudflats near water.

Black-Winged Pratincole

The black-winged pratincole is named after Alexander von Nordmann.

African Skimmer

Skimmers favour large lowland rivers and lakes with islands and sandbars used for roosting and breeding sites.

Grey-Headed Gull

Grey-headed gulls are often sighted along the coast, coastal islands, lagoons, estuaries and harbours, pans, dams, lakes, rivers and sewage ponds.

Common Black-Headed Gull

Common black-headed gulls mainly inhabit coastal wetlands, usually singly.

Franklin's Gull

Sightings of Franklin's gull (Larus pipixcan) in Namibia are rare and are confined to sheltered coastal lagoons and sewage ponds.

Caspian Tern

Caspian terns are found mostly on the coast in bays and estuaries but also inland at large water bodies such as lakes and pans.

Common Tern

Common terns are found both inshore and offshore in most coastal areas.

Arctic Tern

Arctic terns inhabit deep sea areas singly or in small flocks, only usually venturing inland when exhausted or injured.

Antarctic Tern

Antarctic terns have a 'totally marine' habitat.

Damara Tern

Damara terns are very small, fast-flying terns that rarely venture far from the coast of the Namib Desert coastline.

Black Tern

Black terns live and breed in the deep sea and coastal regions of Namibia.

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